...Utilizare :
Această ulei esențial poate fi utilizat prin inhalare pe caleorală (respectați cu strictețe dozele prescrise), pe cale cutanată, dar și în medicina alternativă, cum ar fi olfactoterapia etc.
Pentru pielea sensibilă, diluați 1 volum de ulei în 6 volume de ulei vegetal.
Atenție : acest ulei esențial este interzis femeilor însărcinate sau care alăptează, bebelușilor și copiilor sub 6...
It is a chelated liquid potash that facilitates the availability of potassium. Being completely soluble, its application is very fast and is immediately assimilated by the plant.
Improves the organoleptic quality of fruits, vegetables and industrial crops, as well as the coloration of the flowers of ornamental plants. Applied at the end of the vegetative phase (before harvesting or harvesting) it advances ripening, increases resistance to drought and climatic adversities. The presence of an adequate dose of chelating agent guarantees the total availability of potassium, regardless of the quality of the water used for foliar and fertigation treatments
Aral HighTronic 5W-40 is a
high-performance, low-friction engine oil using
Aral synthetic technology. It can be used in many cars with petrol
or diesel engines (please
note manufacturer specifications). The balanced
formulation also meets the high
wear protection requirements according to VW 505 01 (pump-nozzle
specification). The modern Low Ash technology protects against
harmful ash deposits in the diesel particulate filter and
thus supports their effectiveness and service life.
Meets Fiat 9.55535-S2
Meets Ford WSS-M2C917-A
GMdexos2™ *
MB approval 229.31/ 229.51
Porsche A40
Renault RN 0700 / RN 0710
VW 505 00/ 505 01
Container size:5
Product number:1598939
AOPB est autonome pour la fabrication des moules :
- moules classiques,
- moules 3 plaques,
- moules à dévissage,
- moules à canaux chauds,
- moules de surmoulage d'inserts,
- moules à versions.
Translation of Arts
Translation of Literature
Translation of Books
Literary Translation
Travel & Tourism Translation
Legal Translation
Economic & Financial Translation
Scientific Translation
Translation for International Organisations
Geopolitical Translation
Technical Translation
MPTE’s Services
Other Language Services…
Acordeones Alborada es una empresa especializada en el mundo del acordeón, ubicada en Galicia. Nos dedicamos a ofrecer servicios de venta, alquiler y clases personalizadas de acordeón, con un enfoque en la calidad y el compromiso hacia nuestros clientes. Trabajamos con una amplia gama de marcas de acordeones, tanto nuevos como de segunda mano, asegurando que cada instrumento cumpla con nuestros altos estándares de revisión y funcionamiento.
Además, en Acordeones Alborada, contamos con un equipo de profesores expertos que imparten clases adaptadas a las necesidades y ritmo de cada estudiante. Nos enorgullece no solo ayudar a músicos principiantes y avanzados a perfeccionar su técnica, sino también a desarrollar una comprensión profunda de la teoría musical y el oído musical.
Les colles de la gamme Norland à usage optique et électronique, sont conçues pour un collage de précision, rapide, et vont simplifier les processus qui nécessitent un alignement critique ou un positionnement exact.
Les colles Norland fournissent :
- Un durcissement rapide
- Une longue durée de stockage
- Excellent collage sur verre, métal, céramique et matières plastiques
- Faible indice de réfraction
- Faible dégazage
- Faible retrait – faible contrainte
- Propriétés de remplissage de petites cavités
Glass railing systems look modern and aesthetic. One of the safest options of glass railings is the railing of tempered or tempered – laminated glass. If there are small children at home, the best is to choose the glass railing. Glass railings are of two types: with balusters and glass, installed in-between them, or a frameless structure, when an armrest is mounted directly on glass without balusters by leaving a few mm distance between the glass pieces.
The disadvantage of glass railing is the fact that it is not cheap, it requires higher maintenance than the railing systems of other types. What is more, manufacturing and installation of glass railing is not very simple (especially, if it is a frameless structure). A template is made for each rhombic glass element, and then they are ordered in the glass workshop. Glass must be tempered for safety reasons. Then it is hardly broken, and, if it happens, it breaks into quite small, not sharp pieces. Glass of railing can be...
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It is advisable to fill the tank with water while stirring and then add NEUTRAL to adjust the appropriate pH for the phytosanitary preparations that we are going to use. After a few minutes we will carry out a pH measurement to check that it remains in the chosen range.
Finally we will incorporate the phytosanitary products to be used. The doses depend on the hardness of the water and the pH to be adjusted, but as a guide to reach a pH of 6, 60cc / 100L will be used.
Le bureau d'étude d'AOPB maîtrise la conception des moules d'injection et l'adaptation du design des pièces plastiques au procédé d'injection.
L'étude de l'outillage est réalisée à partir de plans papier ou de la définition numérique des pièces. Grâce à la CAO, le rendu réaliste de vos produits donnera forme à vos idées.
Si nécessaire, nous vous guiderons dans le choix des matières et nous validerons ensemble la géométrie des pièces.